Frilled Shark

Education Articles | December 21, 2012

Sea life is an interesting subject to learn about. It is a separate world filled with water. There are numerous living creatures and each is unique in one way or other. One such unique variety of sea ...

Sea life is an interesting subject to learn about. It is a separate world filled with water. There are numerous living creatures and each is unique in one way or other. One such unique variety of sea creatures is the frilled shark. The uniqueness is in region where it lives. Sea Life has got a lot of things to human beings to study on. With such extant species, there are more to learn and know the art of survival in this world. The existence of the creatures is sometimes very much threatened due to the increasing Global Warming.

The Scientific Jargons:
To know the species better, experts have a list of terminologies which are better known to understand the creatures. The frilled Shark belongs to the Kingdom of Animalia and the class of Chondrichthyes. Animalia is just the other name for grouping such species as Animals. The class refers to the jawed creatures �fish� and have paired fins. And this class refers to the fact that the skeleton of this fish is cartilaginous. And the older ones would have cartilage. The most interesting part is that, they don�t have any bone marrow!

The Threat:
The existence of this species is under great threat. There are researches that normally identify where the existence of such species can be placed in a scale of 7. The low order of this scale is 1 which would suggest the existence of species is not a great concern. The higher part of this scale, which is seven, refers to that the species is extinct. For frilled shark, the scale lies in two which means that the species is Near Threatening status. This species poses, thankfully, no danger to the humans as these life in the deeper part of the sea ecology.

The frilled shark is found to be living quite scattered in different parts of the world. Especially, in the regions of Atlantic and pacific oceans, the fish is found in a higher proportion. Norway, Ireland, Scotland, Madeira are some of the regions where this fish could be found. Many experts call this the lizard snake based on its look.

The frilled shark is found to be varying in size based on the habitat. In the areas of JapanFree Articles, this fish was measured about 55 � 220m. Experts call it the living fossil based on the skin and look of this shark. The gill slits are so frilly and quite look �fried�. This fish was initially baptized in the year of 1879. Many call this tremendous shark to be the existing �rays� fish.� Some people even call it the silk fish. It lives very deep at about 5000 ft.

The fish is observed to have a strange appearance and looks very similar to eel. Some people also call it the sea serpent as it looks so very strange. There are six numbers of gill slits. It is characterized by small teeth and one would be surprised to know that there are about 300 teeth. The eyes are moderately large enough and lack the protective lids. The tooth spacing is so wide and distributed almost equally in the upper and lower jaws.

This type of fish has got a weakness in swimming. And for feeding it depends on injured squids and those that are dying after laying eggs. They swim with their mouth open and that eases to capture the pray.

There are lots to learn from such biological marvel and let us hope that such species survives long for the better of the ecological balance.

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