The Magic of Banana

Food Articles | March 31, 2011

Bananas are the ordinary civilians in the world of tropic fruit. They are delicious but inexpensive. They are close friends of people. Nearly all of the people eat them now and then. The most important reason is that they always bring us magic. However, what is the magic? In fact, the magic refers to its multiple functions. Then what are the functions of bananas? And do you know how to eat bananas? Today, let us listen to what the dieticians have said.�

Bananas are the ordinarycivilians in the world of tropic fruit. They are delicious but inexpensive. Theyare close friends of people. Nearly all of the people eat them now and then. Themost important reason is that they always bring us magic. However, what is themagic? In fact, the magic refers to its multiple functions. Then what are the functionsof bananas? And do you know how to eat bananas? Today, let us listen to whatthe dieticians have said.�

When watching thematches, especially some time-consuming competitions like tennis games, weoften see athletes eat bananas during the breaks. Why do they eat bananas atthat time? Are they hungry? Or do they want to make up their energy? Actually,athletes are not suggested to eat full when they are doing sports. They eatbananas during the matches for the purpose of making up the lost energy. Dieticianstell us that eating bananas before matches is beneficial to their performances.From a perspective of the nutrition, the sugar in bananas can be converted intodextrose rapidly and then absorbed by the human body immediately. It is a quitefast source of energy. Meanwhile, bananas contain a large amount of potassium,which can strengthen the power of muscles and endurance. As a result, athletesare sincere fans of bananas.�

Bananas have many other medicalfunctions. First of all, they are good at lowering the blood pressure. It seemsridiculous because bananas are carriers of calories. In fact, we should explainit from another aspect. Dieticians hold the view that the potassium in thehuman body works as a controller of natrium. Eating adequate bananas has the functionof lowering the blood pressure and preventing high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases. Researchhas indicated that two bananas a day can lower 10% of the blood pressure. A lotof mothers tend to let their children eat bananas when the astriction happens. Theyare right. Dieticians explain that the soluble fibers in bananas help digestand adjust the function of intestines. In addition, bananas are useful when someoneis in a blue mood or even suffers from insomnia, for the protein in bananas cancalm the nervous. So such people can try some bananas before going to sleep.�

Bananas are nutritious. Butunfortunately, they are not suitable for everyone. The rich potassium does notmeet the needs of nephritis patients. Such patients are advised not to eat morethan half a banana a day. Diabetics are not allowed to eat bananas, either. It isbecause that the sugar in bananas is so much that every 100 grams of bananascontain about 87,000 calories. ConsequentlyPsychology Articles, those who are on a diet may noteat bananas too much as well.�

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