Lenovo Ideapad series consists of many notebooks that cost under 1000 dollars.Even though the price of these Lenovo notebooks is low, the quality is notcompromised at all.
Lenovo Ideapad series consists of many notebooks that cost under 1000dollars. Even though the price of these Lenovo notebooks is low, the quality isnot compromised at all. Here is the list of few lenovo laptops that we recommendgetting for college or business.
1) Lenovo B470: The B470 is an excellent laptop that comes with a 14 inchdisplay and a powerful dual core Intel sandy bridge processor. It features 4GBof DDR3 RAM that can be increased to up to 8GB if you are a heavy user ofmultimedia and video editing apps. Unlike most cheap notebooks, it comes withNvidia geforce 410M graphics processing unit that does an incredible job inhandling HD as-well-as full HD video. Battery life is simply phenomenal as well.The B470 is able to give up to 6 hours of runtime on a single charge. You can read more about it in the Lenovo B470 review.
2) Lenovo Z570: This is another notebook that falls under 1000 dollar mark.The Z570 is much more prettier than any Lenovo laptop, thanks to its brushedmetallic looks and a big lenovo badge on its lid that makes it stand out. Italso features the latest Intel core i series processor. Typing experience isamazing on its chiclet keyboard. Not only that, Lenovo even managed to squeezein a numeric keypad which will appreciated by those who like to crunch in a lotof numbers.
3) Lenovo U260: Another notebook that we recommend getting is the U260. TheU260 is for those who want laptop that is not as small as the netbook butsmaller than the 14 inch notebooks. It packs Core i5 processor and features a12.5 inch WXGA display packing 1366 x 768 pixel resolution which is same as mostof the 13 and 14 inch laptops.
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