The black tee is very popular becauseblack is an excellent background for most t shirt designs. A pattern usingcontrasting colors usually looks very attractive on a stark black background.Many designer brands have given their own special twist to the ubiquitous blacktee shirt design.� The black tee is alsovery versatile: you can have a plain black tee to mooch around at home in, oryou have the kind of black tee that would not be out of place in the best andmost elite of surroundings.
Everyone knows, (well most of usanyway) that black is slimming, that black is a flattering color for most skintones, that black gives the illusion of being less bulky than one may actuallybe. �So it is that most people have theubiquitous black tee in their wardrobe, no matter what t shirt design it may be.In fact most people probably have more than one of those black tee shirtstucked away in their wardrobes.
There are many reasons for theremarkable popularity of the black tee shirtdesign. Other than the �black is slimming� reason of course; theblack tee is very popular because black is an excellent background for most tshirt designs and patterns. A pattern using contrasting colors would look veryattractive and very visible on a stark black background. Even when you considerlettering (the possibilities of what you can have written on a t shirt arepractically endless) on a black tee, the effect is that of very immediatelyvisible and striking lettering.
Further the black t shirtdesign has undergone a lot of branding exercises. One could wellargue that a black t shirt is a black t shirt is a black t shirt; right? Notquite. Now while two black tee shirts may be alike to look at, one may have aGucci label, making it that much more desirable, to say nothing of perceptiblymore valuable. �Many designer brands havegiven their own special twist to the ubiquitous black tee shirt design.
Another reason that the black tee is sopopular is that it is very versatile: you can have a plain black tee to moocharound at home in, or you have the kind of black tee that would not be out ofplace in the best and most elite of surroundings. Black ladies t shirtdesigns are especially versatile when you think about the varieties possible:the simple round neck, the sexy plunging V neck that can be dressed up toformal with the addition of a smart neck piece, the hoodie which is statementof trendy but casual. Then there are different lengths of the sleeve which alsoprovide a lot of variety in the basic tee shirt design. The fit or shape of thet shirt is also very important to the kind of look it will project: the loosetee gives the casual or relaxed look, whereas the fitted, snug tee is more of agoing out look. Then of course there is the material that you use for the tshirt which determines the look of the t shirt; casual or formal.
The basic black tee shirt design can begreatly enhanced by just a few embellishments, such as a line of sequins on theedge of the neckline or the hemline. The addition of an applique or anembroidery motif can also instantly up the appeal of a plain black tee. Fact isthe black tee lends itself very well to embellishments of all types.
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